
Peace for Tomorrow, Arts of Today

Dear Parents and Students of the Sequoia International School

Kindly take note of the important announcements on the upcoming Fundraising Art Gallery (Peace for Tomorrow, Arts of Today). 

We take pride in our parents' engagement and support during the previous Arts Gala event last August 2023, which resulted in meaningful success for an inclusive arts experience for all. This year, the Sequoia Arts Programme (SIS) invites you once again to witness and be part of this meaningful journey as your child/children embark on an Immersive Arts Experience/Fundraising Arts Gallery advocative event.

This event is an initiative of the Sequoia Arts Programme for our learners to explore and thrive in arts beyond school. Our learners will engage on a collaborative effort involving various partnerships and artists across Malaysia to raise funds for children impacted by crises globally (Humanitarian Action for Children) through chocolate making, theatrical play, immersive rooms installation, and painting.

Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring a smooth and successful experience for all our learners. Your support is invaluable to us.

If you should have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Ms. Wong Pei Yi (M3 person-in-charge) 016-6977111

Ms. Afeeda Sulaiman (M2 person-in-charge) 017-3680637

Ms. Gan Lei Peng (M1 person-in-charge) 010-4020858

Ms. Afiqah K. 017-3725546

Ms. Marissa Jansen 016-5308285

Ms. Chloe Tan 012-9949944



5) Student Attendance Confirmation Form:

Dear M1, M2 & M3 parents/guardians,

Please take some time to fill in the attendance confirmation form for your child for the upcoming event. This is vital so we can ensure all necessary allocations and arrangements are made for your child/children (e.g. transportation).


Attendance Confirmation Form Link

Posted on 20/06/2024

1) Event Detail:

Event: Peace for Tomorrow, Arts of Today

Date: 1st - 4th August 2024

Time: 10.30am - 4.00pm

Venue: Rumah Tangsi

Additional details :

01/08/24 - 02/08/24  ~  Live performances by students (parents are encouraged to attend)

03/08/24 - 04/08/24  ~  Open to public & without students' live performances

Posted on 19/06/2024

2) Student Groupings:

To facilitate approximately 400 student participants in this event, students are grouped into smaller teams for smoother coordination. 

Dear parents/guardians, kindly take note of your child's grouping, as it will ease your arrangements for the upcoming event week (29/07/2024 - 02/08/2024).

Click on the link below:

M1 Student Groupings (Visual Arts Team)

M2 Student Groupings (Culinary Arts Team)

M3 Student Groupings (Performing Arts Team)

Posted on 19/06/2024

3) Event Week Timetable:


29/07/24 - 31/07/24  ~   Rehearsals 

01/08/24 - 02/08/24  ~  Live performances & art gallery showcase at Rumah Tangsi (parents are encouraged to attend)

03/08/24 - 04/08/24  ~  Open to public/Without students' live performances

Please click on the timetable links below according to your child's grouping:

Visual Arts (M1 Group A) 

Visual Arts (M1 Group B) 

Culinary Arts (M2 Group A) 

Culinary Arts (M2 Group B) 

Performing Arts (M2/M3 Group A) 

Performing Arts (M2/M3 Group B) 

Posted on 20/06/2024

4) Meal Subscription Notice:

Dear parents/guardians,

Please take note of your child's grouping from the previous announcement 2) before subscribing to the school's meal plan. Attached is an overview of the meal subscription timeline based on your child's grouping.

Posted on 20/06/2024

5) Student Attendance Confirmation Form:

Dear M1, M2 & M3 parents/guardians,

Please take some time to fill in the attendance confirmation form for your child for the upcoming event. This is vital so we can ensure all necessary allocations and arrangements are made for your child/children (e.g. transportation).

Attendance Confirmation Form Link

Posted on 20/06/2024